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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Friedman strikes again

In today's article Friedman explores how our political parties become wedded to slogans. He looks into the Republican's tired tune for offshore drilling. He makes a good point that the country that owns the clean power industry is going own the next great technology breakthrough. The Republicans fight to maintain an antiquated fuel source that amounts to a "strategy for making America a second-rate power and economy."

"Anyone who looks at the growth of middle classes around the world and
their rising demands for natural resources, plus the dangers of climate change
driven by our addiction to fossil fuels, can see that clean renewable energy —
wind, solar, nuclear and stuff we haven’t yet invented — is going to be the next
great global industry. It has to be if we are going to grow in a stable way. "

He takes a bite out the hides of Democrats, as well, for focusing on the war in Afghanistan as the "good war" as opposed to Iraq. He raises valid questions and points, but I still feel that it is important for symbolic reasons, not phychological, that we obtain the perpetrator of 9/11. However, I may change my mind as I'm uncomfortable with more soldiers dying in any circumstances, but especially as the definition of "victory" in the War in Terror continues to become blurred.

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