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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Different Strokes, Part II

  1. Apparently people in Australia don't go by initials very often. When I give my name to people they tend to freeze. When I first started going to meetings, my colleagues would introduce me as James and refused to call me by J.D. in front of others because it is too much trouble explaining to the people in the meeting or for the security of the building for that matter. Well I had to change that because for some reason when people call me James, I feel dirty. Great name and all, but it's just not me. If you insist on using my "proper" name call me James David or J.D. I meant to add this to the first addition, but was reminded today when I tried to book my hostel in Cairns for next weekend. Wow. Initials freak Aussies out.
  2. I'm not used to be people not laughing at my jokes or catching on to my sense of humor OK, maybe that's not true. I learned that when walking and talking with he CCI Director of Asia today that phrases like "This ain't your first rodeo" and "I smell what your steppin' in,"mostly just earn looks of confusion.
  3. I still don't get unrefrigerated eggs.


Sara said...

Maybe you can just tell people your name is JayDee. Like a good southerner with two names. Or, try it out Bronx style - Jaideey.

And don't be silly JD. No one laughs at your jokes in the US either. You should feel right at home. :)

ike said...
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jeff said...

You had to spend all that money and travel that far, just to find out your jokes are not funny? James, I hate to break it to you but we have been laughing at you not with you.... We love you Man!