In a world dominated by constantly changing technology, we all are constantly upgrading our cell phones, Mp3 players and televisions. This an enormous problem as the all the materials contained in those electronics such as cadmium, lead, beryllium, etc., will start seeping into the ground contaminating the water supply among other things.
This problem will grow exponentially next year when all television stations make the broadcast transition from analog to high definition, rending old TVs useless, causing everyone to buy high definition tvs. The government mandated this action and has yet to set up a comprehensive e waste solution. The fact that was decision was made in 2005 and nothing has been none is nothing more than criminal. It just demonstrates the lack of concern from our current Decider. That is certainly not what government is supposed to be.
There are a growing number of websites such as Gazelle, which will pay you to recycle your old gadgets. You simply go online and enter the details for the object that you wish to recycle and the site gives you the depreciated value they will pay you for the item. They then send you a box with pre-paid shipping labels, and you simply send it back. If it is determined that the item is has no value, they just recycle it. Even if you don't get money for that old broken phone, they still pay you to recycle it. A chance to make a few bucks and act responsibly. Why not do this?
Now I know some will be critical and ask the question of whether all this shipping of products is any better for the environment from a carbon footprint aspect. My response would that until city, state and the federal government step in with a comprehensive strategy, than this is only option that allows individuals to make a difference. And yes it is better to recycle this stuff than let it rot in a landfill.
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