It is finally time to say goodbye to the Land of Oz. I'm getting ready for the 32 hour trip back to Little Rock in the morning. I leave at 10:00 AM and arrive home at 6:00 PM on Friday evening. I’m leaving with mixed emotions. As exciting as it will be to be back home, but I will certainly miss this place and all the friends I’ve made. It is difficult to put into words everything that I have gained during this extraordinary experience. While here this project has taken me over 11,000 miles to Sydney four times, Brisbane twice, Canberra and Cairns. (Yes I am aware of the irony.) I don't know where to begin, but here is a very brief sample of my time in Australia:
I had the opportunity to sit in on a range of meetings with various stakeholders and these are just a few:
- Goldman Sachs
- Jones Lang LaSalle
- Toyota
- Representatives and staff of the New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland State Parliament
- Representatives of National Parliament in Canberra
- Westfield Group
- Citibank
- the Chairman of CCI, Ira Magaziner
On the non-work side of the trip I was able to take advantage of many opportunities that I will never forget.
- Held a kooala bear
- Fed a kangaroo
- Saw hump back whales up close and personal
- Watched my first opera in the most famous opera house in the world
- Snorkeled with a sea turtle at the Great Barrier Reef
- Walked in a rainforest
I want to thank all the faculty, staff and donors of the Clinton School of Public Service for making it possible for me to take part in this amazing experience. I must also thank my parents for all the love and support that they have given me now and over the years which ultimately allowed me to be in the position to take advantage of the opportunity to attend the Clinton School.
Unfortunately I will be arriving home in the midst of the heartbreaking loss of the DPA Chairman Bill Gwatney. I admired his quick wit, distinct command of knowledge and the leadership he provided for the Democrats of Arkansas. It was a big loss for everyone. I am sad for the loss and that some of my friends had to witness such a cruel act, but I am grateful that they are safe. I look forward to seeing them soon.
So long Australia. Thanks for the memories! I will be back.